Girls on the run north east ohio

Girls on the Run has fun, evidence-based programs that inspire all girls to build their confidence, kindness and decision making skills. Dynamic lessons instill valuable life skills including the important connection between physical and emotional health.
Girls on the Run Northeast Ohio, serving – CUYAHOGA, LAKE, LORAIN, MEDINA, PORTAGE & SUMMIT COUNTIES
At Girls on the Run Northeast Ohio, teaching critical life skills is the cornerstone of our research-based programs. Meeting in small teams, trained volunteer coaches inspire girls of all abilities to strengthen confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity.
Community minded professionals to serve on their talented Board of Trustees from Lorain County. While always looking for dedicated members of varied talents, the current needs are for professionals from the marketing, governance, HR, or development fields.
Each Board member is expected to:
- Meeting Participation:
- Prepare and attend all scheduled Board meetings and the annual retreat
- Attend all GOTRNEO events whenever possible (Fall/Spring 5K, fund raising events, etc.)
- Serve and actively participate on at least one committee (marketing, access and inclusion, finance/fund development, and governance).
- Collective Wisdom:
- Contribute personal expertise or access to needed expertise
- Read, ask questions, and understand the financial statements
- Value and stimulate the collective wisdom of the group
- Serve as an Ambassador
- Financial Support and Responsibility:
- GOTRNEO is a charitable program that depends on generous support from individuals, foundations, corporations, and the community at large. We simply cannot achieve our mission or vision without the deep and significant giving from many, many people and sources.
- Each Board member is expected to make an individual donation to the organization annually. There is no required minimum dollar amount. Amounts of individual contributions will remain confidential.
- It is critical to the fund development plan that board members be actively engaged in multiple giving opportunities. It is our hope that Board members model the level of giving that we would like to see from the community at large.
The Board for GOTRNEO meets 6 times per year, including one 1/2 day retreat. All meetings are held virtually via Zoom except the Annual Retreat in October, and the final meeting of the Fiscal Year in June. Meetings are held on Monday evenings from 6:00-8:00 PM.
For every girl!
Girls on the Run offers programs designed to inspire girls of all abilities to recognize and embrace their inner strength and make meaningful connections with others.
Trained coaches use physical activity and dynamic discussions to build social, emotional and physical skills while encouraging healthy habits for life.
In today’s unpredictable world, the strategies learned at Girls on the Run are more important than ever.
Girls on the Run unleashes the confidence and inner strength she needs to boldly pursue her dreams.
Founded in 1996, Girls on the Run International is a nonprofit that has served 2 million + girls across North America. Today’s girls are exposed to longstanding gender stereotypes, societal obstacles and cultural challenges that can be detrimental to their emotional and physical health. Our programs are about so much more than running – they make an impact at a critical age when confidence and physical activity decline.
We are also looking for volunteer mentors for the girls participating in programs at Frank Jacinto Elementary in Lorain (meeting on Mondays & Wednesdays from 3:00-4:15PM) and Westview Elementary in Avon Lake (date of meetings pending). If you, or someone you know would like more information you can contact Robyn Cutler via the information below and see a sample coach information flyer here.
Robyn Cutler, Executive Director
(234) 206-0786 ext. 700
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